Healing Type A, People Pleasing & Imposter Syndrome
During our coaching process Stephanie went through a transformation where she broke up with her Type A persona, people pleaser and imposter syndrome in order be her authentic self, claim her value and worth, and step into a life of freedom.
Previously, Stephanie had been at a job that was not in alignment with her true nature and it crippled her confidence and self-belief. She left the job without any understanding of the next steps for her life. As we moved through the coaching process Stephanie discovered what she truly loves, healed from the wounds of her past childhood trauma , and grew confidently in her vision for her life. Today, Stephanie is at her dream job where she gets to embody her love of sports with her gift of innovation and creativity as NIKE’S New Business Ventures Lead Manager where she designs the future direction of the organization “I do cool shit! It is the dream job! All her gifts are at play in the industry where she is thriving as a leader.