• The fear gremlins bullying you to stay small.

  • Issues with being undisciplined and not achieving your goals

  • Anxiety and overwhelm

  • Not prioritizing your own needs which go neglected

  • Being In relationships where you’re taken advantage of and feel invisible and not heard.

  • Being too afraid to speak up  for what you want which is  emotionally and mentally unhealthy

In my One to One Coaching you take back your power from: 

Lets end a chapter of feeling like you aren’t living your highest potential and best life. Im going to guide you to make the changes and fight with you to gain the freedom you always deserve to have. So get ready to get uncomfortable we are going to make the transition of a lifetime and your vision for your life a reality. 

Areas Of Coaching

This is where you get to design your life according to your true authentic self, which is the freedom all creatives deserve.

  • Bridge financial stability and freedom to create life on your terms, so you never let the fear gremlins keep you playing small.

    We will work on 5 life goals that bring you into alignment with where you want to go in life, and put you in the driver seat. You will develop the skills and mindset to navigate life’s challenges and come out on top.

    Clients have been featured in NY times, people magazine, achieved senior level positions at Fortune 500 companies, became featured guest speaker at global events. They have created and manifested leadership positions at prestigious global organizations, and developed and successfully sold their merchandise and garnered industry and global exposure for their talents.

    Get ready to get uncomfortable and put yourself out there in ways you’ve never knew you could.

  • Organization and efficiency is important.

    Once you organize your mind you can release your worries, especially about the direction you are called to. With efficiency, comes consistency towards achieving short and long term goals. The organization and efficiency coaching exercises helps you to have “creative structure” to get disciplined in order to build momentum towards the direction you are called to in order to leverage your successes.

    Instead of seeing yourself back at square one, starting over again and again because of a lack of organization and efficiency; you will see personal and career projects that need to get out in the world finally succeed.

    Organization and efficiency provides you with the confidence needed to handle challenges for personal and career growth.

  • Gain emotional security with tools to manage anxiety and overwhelm so you stop expecting the worse. Om’s tools are intended to help you stop managing anxiety so that you start to create your life with joy, on your path of freedom.

  • Together, we break free of the energy pattern behind what has kept you feeling stuck and release limiting beliefs that trap you into being where you don’t want to be in life.

    Healing brings autonomy and truly improving the relationship you have with yourself so that you begin to love yourself unconditionally. We’ll work on energy health to attract what you want emotionally mentally and physically.

    Letting go of unhealthy narratives in which you have been creating your story from a place of shame and guilt, people pleasing and additional undetected traumas. We will finally stop the energy patterns of those old stories from recycling itself into new chapters.

    Grow confidently in being your authentic self by being purpose driven and get into the drivers seat of where you want to be in life with trust claiming freedom and autonomy.

    Additionally, we will heal any ancestral trauma that needs to be released.

  • This is the key to being accountable for the changes you want to make.

    The practice is a routine that helps you to begin to rewire and reprogram the story you want to create for your life according to your true authentic self. A practice is key to releasing the wounds of the past and any self limitations in order to show up as unlimited and claim your own path. A practice makes sure that priorities such as self care, balance and boundaries are at play. Eliminating any trauma triggers from trapping you into situations you don’t want be in.

    This is how you work diligently on the relationship with self and align with relationships that magnetize your vibes.

Additional Services

  • Psychic & intuitive readings

  • Meditations & visualizations


Samantha Berger

“Working with Om, is the feeling of having a guardian angel watching over you.”

Roxy Fata

“Working with Om has genuinely changed my mind in a way where life is simpler, lighter, and more joyful. Its been the best thing Ive done for myself.”

Ololade Olawole

OM has guided me on how to show up for myself each day. be it through intention setting, positive self talk or seeing that my ideas go from thought to creation. literally the best work I have ever done regarding my health/life.