Healing Self Worth and Childhood Trauma
Ariel entered the coaching process because she struggled with not feeling good enough and worried that her best work was already behind her. Working a corporate job for eight years she found her art practice was being neglected. Afraid that her creative vision wouldn’t make sense to others she had a hard time trusting her intuition and taking risks.
Sometimes we don’t trust our path and our vision because of the conditions and traumas we experienced growing up. Afraid that the past will weave itself into areas of our life where we never achieve a sense of fulfillment. Ariel was fearing that her impoverished child hood and its inherit trauma would define her life.
Ariel was challenged in our coaching program to believe that her vision will support her financially and creatively be fulfilling, instead of applying to jobs to “get by” which was trapping her into limiting beliefs of “I am not good enough” and haunted her from being her authentic self.
Her morning practices were scared space with her mom who died of Cancer. Listening to her Mothers wisdom and reconnecting to the power of their eternal love and believing in her gifts that defies all boundaries, brings awareness, and is transformational.
Ariel and I focused on combining her visionary abilities and artistic talents into a leadership position where she could forge her own path as a Creative; bridging her unique talents in ways that she never experienced.